Readings & Events

(Click on links for more info & to book tickets)


22 Jan, 2pm — Reading at Launch of Poetry Wales 58.2

3 Feb, 10pm — Interview with LionHeart, BBC Radio London

11 Feb, 3:30pm — Poem-a-Thon at Rose and Crown Pub, Walthamstow (In Person)

26 Feb, 6pm — Red Door Poets — Opening the Door to … Sarala Estruch (Zoom Interview)

27 Feb, 6:30pm — WordPlay, Coventry (In Person) with Kim Moore

6 Mar, 8pm — what we read now, with Anita Pati, Denise Saul, and Yogesh Patel (Zoom)

16 Mar, 7:30pm — Triple Online Launch of After All We Have Travelled by Sarala Estruch, More Than Weeds by L. Kiew and White Ghosts by Katie Hale (Online)

23 Mar, 7pm — Double Book Launch (In Person): After All We Have Travelled by Sarala Estruch and More Than Weeds by L. Kiew at Morocco Bound Bookshop, London Bridge

27 April, 7pm — Headlining at St Mungo’s Mirrorball in Glasgow (In Person), reading with Pip Osmond-Williams, Saskia McCracken, and more.

12 May, 12.30pm – Newcastle Poetry Festival (In Person) with Anita Pati and Yvonne Reddick

10 June, 2:45-4:45pm — Nine Arches Press Workshop — Courage and Writing Your Story

17 and 24 June — Poetry School Workshop (Online) — Poetry and Migration

27 June, 7pm — Cheltenham Poetry Festival (Online) — Headlining plus Open Mic Slots

1 July, 1pm — Ledbury Poetry Festival (in person & online) with Stephanie Sy-Quia

8 July, 3pm — Deal Music & Arts Festival (in person) with Jessica Mookherjee

18 July, 7-9pm — Verve Poetry Festival Online Workshop — Writing Poems of Memory and Family History

21 Sept, 7:30pm — MK Lit Fest Lodestone Poets #8 (online) with Rishi Dastidar, Anna Saunders, and Jessica Mookherjee

23 Sept, 2:30-4pm — Poets and Players in-person reading with Denise Riley and Fred D’Aguiar